Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Our Annual Coastal Getaway

This is the time of year round these here parts that we get teased with things like this...

...right before freak snow storm or some freezing rain or another week of overcast cold.
So it's a great time of year for a family getaway. We choose the coast because A) it's close and this weird weather season corresponds with Julie's busiest work season so there's no full week or more getaway to be had; and B) it's non-dependent on weather! If it's rainy and miserable, great! A fine excuse to rent a ton of movies and read a ton of books and take a ton of trips to the hotel pool. If it's sunny, great! Out we go to explore... This weekend, we got the best of both worlds. 


The last morning we were there, the sun shone so bright, we didn't even waste time getting out of our pajamas. Grabbed some cereal bowls, some milk and spoons and had breakfast and playtime in the Oregon Coast Sunshine! 

It was all great fun until a sea(weed) monster chased me down the beach. 

I did not bring my camera on our Tide Pool adventure, but we saw and got really close to a whole herd of Sea Lions bathing themselves in the sun and saw all sorts of sea anenome and starfish... amazing! 

Then home to a fun week of Dr. Seuss celebrations at school. Winnie read this whole book to Jezzie! She's a bona fide reader. Exciting times...! 

So Far From February

 The idea of "catching up" on this blog has been far too daunting... and paralyzed me for far too long! So, with many gaps in ...